Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Elbow Hyperextension and Buddy Finger!!

Hi Class,

Today we have two tape jobs! Elbow hyperextension and the buddy system for fingers.

Elbow hyperextension:

Buddy system for fingers:

Monday, 16 April 2012

Modified Gibney Tape Job

Today's tape job will be the modified gibney. Here's the video to check out:

Make sure you are practicing a lot!!!! We are getting closer and closer to being finished all the tape jobs that you will need to know for the exam!!

Thursday, 12 April 2012

Closed Basket Weave

Hi Everyone,

Today in class we covered the closed basket weave. You may choose to do either the version in the manual or in this video!!

Supplies needed for this tape job:

  • Tape Adhesive
  • Tape
  • Pro Wrap
  • Heel and Lace Pads
Make sure you ask the athlete if they sprained their ankle by inverting (rolling in) or everting (rolling out)!!!

Monday, 9 April 2012

Low Dye Longitudinal Arch Support

Hi Everyone,

Hope you had a fantastic Easter long weekend! Weather was great so I hope you were all outdoors enjoying yourselves! I did some goalie specific soccer training and felt pretty good! Looking forward to being able to play again real soon. Anyways, my motivation for tomorrows tape job is that it is relevant to me right now!! HAHAHAH I've have been having random pain in my left foot off and on for nearly a year! The only way to avoid it is by using this particular tape job. Check out the video for the longitudinal arch suopport tape job called the "Low Dye":

We will learn this specific version as well as a couple of other variations! Make sure that you splay the foot in order to ensure the best tape job!!

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Contact Wrist

Check out the video for a little preview of the tape job we will be covering in class tomorrow. It is called contact thumb and can be used to limit wrist hyper flexion & extension. The part that you want to watch is around minute 5:00.

Sunday, 1 April 2012

Class tomorrow! Contact Thumb

Hi Everyone,

Looking forward to seeing you all again after the break! We will meet in C203 to continue on with our Sports 1st Aid and Taping seminars.

Tomorrow's tape job is called Contact Thumb. It is used to restrict movement of the thumb in sports that don't require a lot of dexterity (rugby, soccer, etc).

FYI - NCCP has informed me that you will not be getting certificates for your FMS course. My contact has indicated that you will get receive a coaching number so that you can log on to their system and print off your card. I will explain more on Monday.